In order to succeed in online poker it helps to understand when to play. Poker rooms that boast of having thousands upon thousands of players active at the same time usually don’t have them active 24/7 especially the poker sites that accept US players because of time-zones.

The best time to play online poker depends largely on two things – whether an online poker room accepts US players, and the type of traffic or competition you prefer. Generally speaking, the best time to play online poker throughout the week is from early afternoon through to evening (i.e 2pm – 11pm EST). I usually play poker in the evenings after work. It is mostly 3-4 hours a day. But the most time I manage to play on the weekend. On such days I can actually play poker for 8-12 hours.

Depending on where you live you need to check where there is the most traffic in the hours that you like to play. It is also a good idea to keep an eye on when your games come out the best and adjust your hours to this.

When the fish come out

A lot of players mean a lot of fish. If you want to catch the loose games you’ll need to be around when the people who play just for fun come into the poker room. This is typically on weekends and in the nights. With the holidays coming up there will most likely be more players coming in to the poker rooms from adjoining casinos and this creates good fishing waters. When poker rooms are offering special bonuses or promotions it could also create greater traffic by beginner players that you could try and exploit.

Time difference

Don’t forget the time difference between different countries. Most poker players active online come from the USA and the UK. Depending on where you live you will have to take this into consideration. If you are in Europe but you prefer to play against the US crowd you need to play late at night or early morning to catch their evenings and late nights. Some poker rooms have software that will make it clear what the clock is around the globe so that you understand if it is really rush hour by the tables or not.

Worst time to play

The worst time to play poker online is usually around mid-day and in the middle of the week. Only the very big poker sites will have enough traffic to support enough tables at these hours and you won’t see much fish. Also, the pros tend to be playing during the day. For some it is not so good to play late at night even if this lets you play against a certain crowd. If the dark makes you tired it is better to stick to the early evening when your game is still fresh.

Personal statistics

It is very wise to make use of the excellent tools for statistics that many online poker rooms are offering. With these you can see when you are playing the best. You might be surprised to find your winning games are concentrated to hours you weren’t expecting. Take into account who your opponents were and what your general status was. It is not to recommend kicking back with a beer when you are trying to stay focused on your poker game. Learning to read your own game will also let you know when your best time to play is.

Online poker refers to a poker that is being played online. It offers various poker games in a more convenient package. If you love playing poker you will love online poker as well. Not just because of convenience but also because the game has remained true to its reiterated game. It’s popular nowadays, more so now that there is a pandemic and people can’t go to their friend’s houses to play poker.

Best Time To Play Online Poker

There’s a good reason why even before coronavirus swept the world that it’s popular, that is because it works and if you love playing casinos especially poker there is no reason especially at these times that you won’t go down the path of playing online poker. If you need more convincing below you can find some of the main reasons why you should play online poker.

Its convenience: Online poker is the most convenient poker game there is for the reason that you can pretty much play the game anytime and anywhere you like. You can play it on various internet-capable devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop, and desktop). Aside from that, its also open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week (including holidays). That convenience has served it well because that is the only place right now to play poker in the time of the pandemic.


It has live players: Online poker doesn’t just require you to play with AIs. You will be happy to know that most online poker sites offer a place to play with other players. So even if you don’t have anyone to play within your isolation online poker websites connect you with other players to play the game. This is a good thing because it offers people the feeling that they are still interacting with real people, And the fact that you can chat with them is also a bonus.

It has a ton of bonuses: One of the best things that online poker offers are the bonuses that it offers because there are just a lot of bonuses. It’s crazy but they offer it. Think about it, online poker sites have bonuses for everything and that is something that people will be interested in.

  • They have sign up bonuses
  • They have events bonuses
  • They have referral bonuses
  • They have daily bonuses
  • They have anniversary bonuses
  • They have top-up bonuses

Best Time To Play Online Poker Games

Is there a better way to play poker? There is even in the times of coronavirus and that is with online poker. Online poker offers people that same experience even in the absence of physical interaction. If you love playing poker, in general, you will surely love it because it remains true to its roots. It still has the same rules but in a more modern package and better looking as well. If you’re interested in playing it there are so many online poker sites that you can choose from. If you’re looking for the best one there is, check out QQ Poker and get started.